At Pioneer Oil Field Services, LLC, we emphasize the safety of our employees and customers and do everything in our power to provide a safe working environment. Our mandatory safety and training program currently includes:
Safety Manual
The safety manual is the nerve center to the safety program at Pioneer Oil Field Services. Using pre-made safety programs and our own industry-specific written materials, the safety manual has been laid out to protect workers in the oil and gas drilling industry.
The safety manual, like any safety policy, is an ever-changing document. When new and improved ideas are discovered, proper incorporations are made for the benefit of our employees and the company.
Stop-Work Program
All employees are subjected to a Stop-Work program. If at any time an employee sees or is involved in a task in which an unsafe or dangerous condition arises or safety is not understood, it is the employee’s responsibility and duty to stop the task and aid in mitigating the dangers present.
Zero Accident Philosophy
Our company is dedicated to a Zero-Accident philosophy. We believe that all accidents are preventable first and foremost by means of engineering or administrative controls and lastly by the use of personal protective equipment.
Drug/Alcohol Screening Program
Our employees are subject to drug and alcohol screening for the following reasons:
- Pre-employment (Always)
- Reasonable Suspicion
- Random
- Post-Incident (Always)
- Customer Screening Programs
Orientation Program
All new hires are required to go through a safety orientation. This orientation is a PowerPoint presentation complete with pictures and videos that covers the basics of safety policies adopted by the company. Forms accompany the presentation at various points after each topic is discussed and the employees provide a signature and date as a pledge of understanding what is expected of them. There is also a form declaring that employees have received a copy of the company’s most recent safety manual edition and that they are responsible for knowing and abiding by all policies.
Job Safety Analysis (JSAs)
Each rig is equipped with a set of JSA’s for various rig operations. The JSA’s were written directly from OSHA’s website regarding oil and gas well drilling and servicing. JSA’s are used as guidance for Toolbox Talk safety meetings.
Paper Work for the Hands
Toolbox Talks – Each crew is required to complete Toolbox Talks (JSAs) in which each member has the opportunity to provide hazards and protective measures regarding the shift’s tasks.
Fall Protection Inspections – Anyone using fall protection gear is required to document an inspection of the equipment before its usage to determine if the device(s) are safe to use.
Confined Space Permits – When a confined space must be entered, a permit system is used to ensure safe entrance and exit from the space.
Forklift Inspections – Where forklifts are present on site, only company certified operators are allowed to operate the machine. During each shift, the qualified operator must document an inspection of the machine to determine whether or not it is safe to operate.
The Safety Manager conducts safety meetings with each of the crews. These meetings cover more in-depth procedures and policies taken directly from the safety manual. The format is usually a PowerPoint presentation accompanied by a demonstration and interactive discussion. A quiz of retained knowledge accompanies most training sessions.
Employees are also subjected to any specialized training at our customers’ request pre-job kickoff.